XR Customer Interaction Training for your Sales Team

Virtual Reality training modules on our phones force us out of the slumber induced by monotonous training videos and modules, you have got to answer a question immediately about the content learned and that ensures that we pay more attention and learn a lot faster.”

- Trainee

The client here is one of the largest telecommunications services in India, operating in eighteen other countries. With its headquarters in New Delhi and nearly 1500 centers across the country, they deal with a heavy load of training and on-boarding new employees across all their centers.

Immersive reality offers a very scalable simulation of On The Job (OTJ) training, where employees feel a part of the situation in 360 degrees.

A lot of the human memory is spatial, visual, and even emotional. In a study by the National Training Laboratory, retention rates for VR was 75% in contrast to lecture-style learning at 5%, and reading rates at 10%. By its very nature, virtual reality ensures that employees get as close as possible to what happens when they meet a customer in person, how to groom for it, how to handle multiple customers in one go, etc. The modules are systematically designed and deployed to address the existing Standard Operation Procedures by the client.

Communicate the ethos of your organisation and basic Do’s and Don’ts to your new employees:

The employee is introduced to the organisation and is made aware of simple instructions on how to prepare for the first day on the job. This includes grooming, dress code, and general instructions to be followed. With higher retention rates of the information comes better compliance from new joinees.

Train your workforce in virtual reality to ensure that they learn how to communicate with customers in varied scenarios:

Committed a mistake, how to handle it gracefully?

How does the client use GMetri’s Teaxr to create training modules in XR?
Over the years, several enterprises have experimented with training on VR, the bottlenecks have varied from content creation to hardware. GMetri’s platform solves these issues by providing an easy to use platform where enterprises can create their own XR content, tweak it over time as the SOPs change, unroll it to the employees using a simple link and also track individual performance on a dedicated dashboard. Such an end-to-end solution for training integrated with existing Learning Management Systems is unprecedented and smooths the adoption of a relatively new technology.

Quantified Impact:
75% Retention, 8x Engagement

GMetri is an easy-to-use no-code XR platform to create, share and track training modules, online stores, product showcases, immersive tours, stories and more. See it in action here and start creating experiences for Free. If you thought this article was helpful check out VR Employee training on dealing with Angry Customers